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Zombieland Implementation Pattern: Double Tap

Donald Raab
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2023


Photo by julien Tromeur on Unsplash

Have you seen the movie Zombieland? There are rules for surviving in Zombieland. Rule number two is called Double Tap. When a zombie is attacking you, don’t get stingy with bullets. Shoot twice!

I’ve seen the Double Tap pattern used occasionally with Eclipse Collections over the years. Here’s one example of a Double Tap.

public void doubleTapLazy()
ImmutableList<String> list =
Lists.immutable.with("One", "Two", "Three");


In this code, I iterate lazily over a an ImmutableList of String and use tap twice. I use tap to print out each element, and then again to print each element after it is converted to lowercase. I use the tap method twice to see the before and after transformation state in the pipeline. Double Tap! Then I use forEach to print out the element converted to uppercase.

The output for this code is as follows:


The lazy tap method is very useful if you want to log or perform some operation with intermediate results over a series of fluent calls. The method tap on LazyIterable is equivalent to the method peek on Java Stream.

Now I will change this code to iterate eagerly by removing the call to asLazy.

public void doubleTapEager()
ImmutableList<String> list =
Lists.immutable.with("One", "Two", "Three");


The output for this code is as follows:


The output still contains the same number of elements, but the order of execution is different.

The method named tap defined on the RichIterable interface behaves like forEach when executed eagerly on a collection like ImmutableList. The tap method has overrides with Covariant Return Types throughout the Eclipse Collections hierarchy returning the most specific types possible. This is why when I removed the call to asLazy, the first call to tap prints out all of the original elements in the list. The second call to tap prints all of the elements converted to lowercase. Then the call to forEach prints each element converted to uppercase with a new line after.

I include an example of a Triple Tap in the following blog when comparing Eager vs. Lazy to help folks understand the differences between the two iteration styles.

I hope this blog and the Double Tap analogy helps you understand and remember the tap method in Eclipse Collections. Perhaps it will prove useful the next time you need to accomplish something in an intermediate series of fluent calls.

Thanks for reading!

I am the creator of and committer for the Eclipse Collections OSS project, which is managed at the Eclipse Foundation. Eclipse Collections is open for contributions.


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Published in Stackademic

Stackademic is a learning hub for programmers, devs, coders, and engineers. Our goal is to democratize free coding education for the world.

Written by Donald Raab

Java Champion. Creator of the Eclipse Collections OSS Java library ( Inspired by Smalltalk. Opinions are my own.

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