Is Your Code Singable?
The code quality metric that gives Java syntax a metal boost
Many of us muse about the readability of code, and pontificate on the idea of code quality. We complain about the verbosity, pedestrian syntax, and cryptic nature of some programming languages.
But how many of us have tried to sing our code?
I’ve shared the video above with my family and friends. I head bang and laugh hysterically every time the Java syntax is sung aloud! Exclamation point.
If you’ve lost your love of programming, are feeling overwhelmed by learning a programming language, are contemplating changing your career, or are worried about being rendered unemployed by AI, then I recommend you watch this video. It is a great reminder that the creativity of humans remains unmatched, and that even the cryptic syntax of a programming language can be fun. Period. This video by NANOWAR OF STEEL has become an instant classic in the Java community.
Now, if someone tells me this song was actually created by a LLM, I will say it was the best use of a LLM to date. Period.
Enjoy! Exclamation point.
I am the creator of and committer for the Eclipse Collections OSS project, which is managed at the Eclipse Foundation. Eclipse Collections is open for contributions.